Ray said it's official! The "Never Trust A Party Over 30" is in full swing. Of course, it will be on the night before Thanksgiving in Colorado Springs at the same place as last year. If anyone has suggestions for songs, let Ray or Sean or Rob or me know. Also, I'm thinking of bringing some memorabilia like old posters and signs and T-shirts, etc. of the old bands. I also think we should set up and do a couple songs in the parking lot of the "Chick Fillet"(the old Hungry Farmer) at some point. Do you think they'd arrest a bunch of old grey haired musicians? Hell, we got away with a lot over the last 30 years....maybe we can get away with one more goofball idea!
Too bad we can't find a different place that is a little more music friendly and not so friggin cold
A lot of things a lot of 'us' could have been arrested for in the Farmer parking lot. Singing was not one of them.
Goofball idea?! Hell yes, that's what we were/are all about! I know I can even get us some media coverage for showing up at Chick Fil a, too!
BTW, the poster is brilliant, kudos to whoever....
One concern is that I think we're going to need a bigger venue (more tolerant?)...the search begins! Anybody with ideas, contact me! As Bullwinkle said, "No doubt about it, I gotta get another hat!"
...and when did Barky get that "e" in his name?! Or have I always been spelling it wrong? America wants to know!
To quote that great American, Bluto Blutarski: " This calls for a stupid and futile gesture on someone's part... and we're just the guys to do it."
I am going to review the original 'signed' receipt and determine, if it’s at all legibly possible, the accurate spelling of Barky -with or without the ‘e’- I will let America know.
The t-shirts are without the "e". Have fun in the planning of this adventure. You guys are crazy!!!!
After further review, it has been determined that there is no letter ‘e’ used in the spelling of Barky. I apologize for any confusion to the world. My production proofreader of the Barky Lew poster did not notice the error. All other information on the poster seems to be correct. This should put an nd, I mean End to the controversy.
The only 'e' in Bark'e'y id
Barky and I went to the Hungry Farmer Reunion gathering at Coaches Bar in C. Spgs. Saturday evening. Jeez, where did all of these people come from?!? People we had NEVER seen before. We sat at a table and watched the parade of strangers go by. And we guess that the feeling of "strangers" was mutual, cuz nobody ran up to us to say howdy and gee we sure looked good. Nope.
Thank God Lynn and Heitzman finally showed up and we had some others to talk to! Bark and I did do our share of Hungry Farmer Storytelling amongst ourselves and laughed our asses off! And we had many beverages. We left after about 2 hours. It was fun seeing Barky, but there sure were a ton of folks that worked at the Farmer that I obviously never knew (on the "food" side) or they've all REALLY AGED!!
I suppose the highlight of the evening was that the old gal that used to bake all of those incredible cinnamon rolls baked up a batch of 100 or so....and Barky and I sampled many. Yum!
Your intrepid reporter,
Did you invite all the strangers to the "Never Trust A Party Over Thirty" party? Especially the cinnamon lady?
I think Lynn was going to take care of inviting "Cinnamon Lady and the Strangers". A new band name?
Updated information of the...
Grandest Night Of The Season!
and positively the
Night Before Thanksgiving!
Never Trust A Party
Over Thirty
(including these infamous
and celebrated)
Fall River Road
Mountain Flyer
Clones of the Pioneers
Buffalo Dreams
Martha Mitchell Trio
The Countless Others
Cinnamon Lady and the Strangers
when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
What's happened to Mr. Blog???There's been a ton of stuff going on that I thought the Cormster would be on top of.....but he's a no show. Out of the country? Forgot how to type? Being held captive by renegade Smurfs? It's been over a month...I need my Corm Blog fix!
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