I guess it's time to get back on this thing. Sometimes I feel like George Jetson when he screams..."Jane, get me off this crazy thing"! Anyway, I've been busy making ginger bread cakes for Tiger Woods to help cheer him up and maybe get a free golf lesson...yes just golf, I'm not into the other stuff he's good at. I haven't read any comments yet but I'm sure there's some goodies. Maybe Mary Jo and Ronnie picked up the slack again. Thanks to Sean for getting me back on this crazy thing......Jane, Astro.....help me!! !! !!
So glad to see some action here. Man, what a dry spell. You scare me. If you made the gingerbread spread in your picture, your better than some of the bake shops around. Maybe another career??....:>)
You just made it Corm!! A couple more days and I was about to launch the missile Dicky Stew sent me.Welcome back and Happy New Year.
The Roo
Corm, does this picture depict Tiger's house AFTER the car crash?!LOL
Glad your back in the saddle, son. Us wise-asses didn't have anywhere else to go!
But let us do the driving...start a thread on the the best (or worst) films of the year...best new musical discovery for 2009...celebrity you'll miss most that passed in 2009...something like that.
My answers, BTW:
1)Best - tie/UP & Invictus (tho I think Crazy Heart will be my "best" once I see it)
Worst - All About Steve (not Corm!, God this film sucked)
2) Locksley (new British rock band, lots of guitars, edgy, good rockin' 60s/70s sound but new at the same time)
3) Soupy Sales or Walter Cronkite
Happy 2010!
Pop culture lost a lot of friends in twenty 09. From Michael Jackson to Marilyn Chambers. Les Paul. Willy DeVille. To name a few.
Happy New Year Corm! Now get your ginger bread ass back in the saddle and make the world a better place with you in it:)
xox Muff
Happy New Year to Cormey and all the Cormeites. As usual we celebrated the Nova Scotian new year which allows us to go to bed at 8 pm. Cheers here's for a 'you beaut' 2010!!
Well, well, Betty Crockcorm has been at it again. Nice house. I'm impressed!!! I still think Ronnie should launch the Stewster's picture. I know he has been on quite a few jaunts with you. It has to be from the Barkey Lou bash. Anyway, good talking to you at the Christmas gathering at the Lariat. Always good to be passed around the bar.
Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
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