30 years ago today! Do you remember where you were? I know I was in Colorado Springs and probably watched it with Sean and Barky( do you remember, Sean?) but I'm lucky to remember what happened yesterday. Oh yeah, I saw the US hockey team beat the Canadians for the first time in 50 years! Not quite the same but none the less, a great game. GO USA!!!!
Things were a little tense last night in Cody's hockey house at school with 3 Americans and a Canuck, but as luck would have it the Canadian lived!
I was at Casa de Knolls too, Corm. Great games 30 years ago and a great game last night.
U. S. A.
Yep, at the Knolls with you guys, Rob (visiting from Law School, I think) and a bevy of women. Remember, our TV had PONG built into it, so the babes loved us! LOL
we went crazy, I DO know that!
Last night was SWEET.
U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A!!
Is having PONG built into it a euphemism for something she said at the picnic?
There were a bevy of women?! And Pong!? We did believe in miracles.
Now it's a bevy of grandkids and Wii.
Oh, you've all seen through the sarcasm....Ar, Ar!!
Yeah, it really was Pong, built right into the TV set. A big seller at the time. Quite pathetic now.
Bevy of women?? Well....it WAS a night of miracles.
(I just want to sleep here.....)
How many in a BEVY? I thought that was when I got lucky?
RJ, we wouldn't call that a Bevy we would call that another miracle
John Keyworth, 1977.
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