OK, here's the idea. No one leaves comments on the blob... and I understand. From what I hear, quite a few people tune into this thing to catch up on Grand Lake news but I seldom see anything under comments! I have thought of a way to communicate like a real blog but I promise I will only do this for a couple of days to see if I get a response. If you choose to click on to the 'make a comment' option here on the blob...go ahead and make one; and instead of having to sign in, just leave your moment of inspiration and click anonymous, cast your fate to the wind and your name or not and you can even leave a comment about some one elses tasteless remark... (I'm counting on you, Stevie Ray, Rockin' Ray, Muff, Jerke and Sean) and do a little chit-chat amongst your crazy selves. Most of you know each other but only admit it when Barky Lew's birthday comes around. Here's a photo that my mother has never seen but now it's out there in cyber-space for all of you to take a shot at me with. My title would be...I LOVE CABO!
What's yours?

Why don't you ever bring your new girlfriends home to meet me?
love, Mom
That's not true. I admit things after other parties too. Oh the picture...nice CABOose
"I put the money in, when do the M&Ms come out?!"
Hi corm,
Just a word of thanks for your blog' it enables us to keep up with friends and Grand Lake.
Aligator and Linda
I want your seat at that table!!!!
and you thought no one read your blob.
what the hell is bobby looking at? see you tommorrow-----------dw
Why isn't there a 'click to enlarge' option on this one! LOL
Now I know where Hal David & Burt Bacharach got the inspiration for "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head"
Closed up cabin in Denver for the Winter had a great Summer, love Grand Lake and all you guys, will miss the Wac. on weekends.
Roger..."Raindrops"...oh we needn't have gone there. The horror...the images...
That would be a great picture if Bob king wasn't in it!!!
Hey! That's where I left my car keys... Andrew. Dorothy would have said, "she's black you know?" xox Muff
wow - the things you can do with photoshop !
corm - I enlarged the picture and that's a nice pair of swimming trunks you have on !
will this be for here or to go?
corm- you were probably checking to see if she had any hangy-down things!! sister Billie
What the hellllll's going on around here?!
18 bloody comments!Some real bewdys too! That's gotta be a record of some kind!
Sorry 19!
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