Needless to say....it was another rainy weekend here at 8369 (snow up high). We all handle it in our own small way. Carol Ann & Clive's wedding went off well
despite the rain. My equipment survived for another rainy day
(Sunday) at the Waconda but, once again, everyone just takes it all in stride. The aspen are turning and the next couple weeks should be beautiful! Jon Cook said, when he saw Larry and me covering up our gear...
again, that this will be the closest thing Grand Lake will ever get to experience the
TARP program.
Always listen to a true cowboy!!!
Happy 'Never Summer' everyone....
Was at The Rope this past Labor Day weekend. Dancing to your songs brought back the memories of 10 years ago when I used to spend most of my weekends at the Lariat. Time seems to stand still there. Not sure you remember but you sang at my wedding rehearsal party at Devil's Thumb 8 years ago and again at my cabin on Tallaqua a few years ago. Grand Lake (and you) have been a very special part of my life. Your music makes me smile. Thank you!!
Your music will always be a part of Grand Lake in the rain or shine, tarps or no tarps, wedding rehersals, the Rope, Wacanda, etc. Keep the music alive always!!!
Glad to see the blog up and running again. I was worried the party had died.
You didn't put a TARP on the all important tip bucket.
Does TARP stand for The Artist's Retirement Program? Or something like that.
I miss your blogs!
Hello....is anyone there???? What's going on? Your blogs were a good way to keep up with the goings-on at Grand Lake. It is fun to read your postings and the comments that follow. Don't let your fans down when they cannot be there with you. We miss your thoughts that enlighten us on mountain life at 8258??? or whatever the number is... See...we need you. I can't even remember the altitude anymore. Don't retire on us yet!!!!!
Hey i miss your blogs too!
yoo hoo from ronnie roo!
Let's all just write amongst ourselves. how's everyone doing?
Hey Annonymous, great idea!!! Maybe Cormey will chime in on our conversation. How was the Race for The Cure? It was last weekend and I was not able to be there. Anyone have any feedback?
Come on Cormey...So many of us depend on you for Grand Lake information. How come no pictures of the 'cure' walk. Your always on top of these things. It has been a strange summer and fall but you need to get on top of your game.
We love you and miss your postings!!!
Scooby-doo where are you?????
I feel so lost without you. I have been a long time reader of this site and have grown accustomed to all you have had to say. I am worried about you. I hope you are reading how your fans miss you!!!!
Mac....your brother is among the missing as far as this site goes. SOS!!!
OK. I am going to the Lariat, Panchos, Carolines or where ever and going to Gorilla Tape you to your computer when I find you. DAMMIT!!!!
Come on....we love you. This summer has been full of sadness with the loss of all of so many of our friends, but we have so many more that are still here and really depend on you. I will burn my picture of Sheldon, (Big Bang Theory) and put your back up in the closet if you just write something.....
Does anyone really know where Corm is?
Alrighty Corm!~ Hammer here, at least give me a call or something so I know all is well, else wise looks like i will need to head for the lake
Has anyone thought of looking under the tarp!!!?
Maybe we should start writing things ABOUT Corm.
well...I had lunch / a cocktail with him not long ago and he said he needed to catch up with his blog.....guess the blog is still going and Corm is still trying to catch up!!!
OK its time to get down right dirty! I have an idea that should really bring Corm out of the woodwork. Let's start a collection of the most unflattering pictures of Corm we can muster and put them up on the blog. Not this blog but my blog!! Send the pictures to ronnieroo@onastring.com and I'll put them up on http://roodroppings.blogspot.com
The Roo
This is amazing!!! I really do hope that Cormey is reading this to know how much he is loved. I like your idea of the postings of pictures on your blog roo!!! I'll be sure to send one soon. I have just the one too!!! It involves a hot tub, grapes, and someone just trying to come to grips with reality!!!
Good on ya MJ! I have a good one of him crawling out of a tent inside the living room but i think i gave it to JC when i tried to run a 'Worst Morning Hair' competition at Caroline's. Maybe he still has it!
Ronnie roo
Wait a minute...hot tub, grapes...sounds like an "I Love Lucy" episode. Oh the horror!!!
photography, candid photography. nudge nudge wink wink. know what I mean. know what I mean. say no more. say no more.
You must check out Roo's Droppings. What a hoot!!!
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