It's Uncle Pie's fault that I haven't been blogging in sooooo long. Sorry about that! I will try and get back to Earth and create havoc on the the weak and feeble fools who dwell in the cosmos and Cyber-space. I've been up among the stars for awhile (nothing illegal) but my heart and soul have been dwelling by a mountain stream for quite sometime now. I will do my best to plant my footsies in the ground and get this thing going again. My sincere apologies to you all and I will do my best to let you know what's going on here at 8369'
Oh Darn!!! That's the first time I've ever had 11 comments on my blog. Thought i could have got more mileage out of this. Oh well!
Welcome back Corm!
The Roo
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!
YAH HOO!!!!!
Good to know you're still sucking oxygen. Had us a little worried there. I trust the songs that come out of this will be killer!!
See you in 4 weeks!
Well ....Brother Dern Elderly ..... the Broncos take a bye week and you take a bye month and up pops Uncle Pie & you.
To all your fans ....that were missing you ....Stevie been in my guest room for the last month ....he now on the loose & lookin for Moose @ 8369'.
signed aka Brother Real Elderly...aka Tubby ....aka Mac ....aka... rlm
Well, it's not like you weren't warned or anything. This "feeble fool" missed you and I am glad you have returned to this site. Roo and I had a great time getting the other "feeble fools" riled up while you were away and you know? It worked, and people stayed turned for your return...the thank you's will be welcomed eventually once you've realized that someone had to step up to the task. Anyway, welcome back!!!
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