I can't really find the words to tell you all how much it means to me to get to see and play music with the friends that I don't have the chance to visit with much anymore. Barky Lew's birthday bash gives me the opportunity to do just that. Trying to hit that 'HI' note on "Sloop John B" with Foster cracking up to my right as I failed miserably reminds me of all the times we all played on stage somewhere and if the crowd was into it or not, it didn't really matter as long as 'the band' was having a good time! The audience might see Joe, Lewis, Rob or Sean saying something in my ear and not realizing that they're not telling me what key change is coming up or how to end the song.....no, most of the time they were telling me some joke that will totally throw me off my concentration, leaving me to try and remember the lyrics to the next verse without laughing out loud over the mic. Lewis and I got a chance to reminisce a little the other night and we were thinking of the days Mountain Flyer played at the 'Little Bear' in Grand Lake with Tom (Brian and The Tumors) and how wild and crazy that was! Great memories! There are alot of stories we could tell (John Sebastian) and if it all blows up and goes to hell. I wish we could sit on some old 'Blue Bunny Slope' couch or some hotel, and listen to the stories it could tell. You bloggers know more stories than would dare to tell, but go ahead and be anonymous.
Thanks Barky for keeping those good times alive!