Getting back to work on the Foot, Foot project. Ronnie Roo's working hard on new illustrations and I'm getting the recording of the song and the narration together. If you don't know what I'm talking about here, I had an idea (or a brain fart) to do a children's book based on the old 'Foot, Foot Song' by Ray Bolger. My parents gave it to us kids one year with a phonograph and the song slept in my head somewhere until some drunken night in Colorado Springs when I decided to resurrect it with our old band, 'The Phantom Hooters'. Sean and I would do the rabbits with our hands while we sang the song and then one night someone (was it Ralph Routen's wife?) made us three rabbit hand puppets and the act became semi-famous! I did it for the Gong Show at Squeaky Bob's once and didn't even get gonged because Dicky Stew(a judge) said he was a sucker for animal acts.
The hand puppets had little neck ties that were eventually cut off when we were playing at the Trail Dust Steak House. Anyway, thanks to Ronnie's help, my idea for a book, CD and DVD are starting to come together. If we ever get it published, I hope you blob readers will be interested in getting a copy. Also, if anybody knows any publishers out there(hint...hint), let me know.
PS. If you want to see more on this...go to Ronnie's blog(located in my links, roodroppings) and look at the April archives.
There's one foot and foot, foot and a brother they call foot, foot, foot.....
OhMyGod, I'm singing the Foot Foot song to myself as I write this! I fondly remember the rabbit puppets when we were in The Hooters. I also remember some of the awful things we did with those poor little puppets. LOL Did we eventually burn those? We should have!
Hope you're up to an encore performance of Foot Foot on Thnksgiving Eve in Colorado Springs. I'll see if Ralph Routen can make it this year....he was there last year (sans a puppetmaking wife)! HA
Thanks for the memories.
hand puppets, hooters...hopefully those "hand devices" went the way of the Red Hot Chili Peppers socks.
Hey Corm, have a look at my blog!
Ronnie Roo.
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