Our friend Blaine Albertson lost his battle with cancer yesterday. I couldn't find a picture of Blaine, just a picture of a sign I made for him when he had his counseling business in Granby. Blaine was quite a guy. He had lost both his arms in a farm accident when he was young but that never stopped him. He was an Olympic skier with the disabled team, played pool(with his feet), bowled with a special bowling ball that had a retractable handle that he could throw with his hook and he even played a little golf. He never quit and I'm sure he battled to the end. A great lesson for all of us. I remember a few Christmas parties at Blaine and Nora's at their house in Columbine Lake and of course B.J.(Hershel), the Ethiopian horse. If anyone has any particular memories of Blaine, please share them with us here on the blob.
So sorry to hear about Blaine. I remember one particularly cold day riding BJ(the Ethiopian horse)from Soda Springs to Grand Lake. I had started out unprepared for the frigid weather with no warm gloves and my hands were absolutely freezing. I just had to find someone I could borrow some gloves off of. I spotted Blaine parked by the side of the road and without thinking rode up to the window of his van and asked him if he had a pair of gloves I could borrow. There was a moment of silence and then we both burst out laughing.Imagine asking a man with no arms for a pair of gloves!
You had to love Blaine. He was a real trooper!Perhaps he's up there riding BJ now.
Ronnie roo
This remarkable man changed my life and inspired most that came in contact with him.
My most wonderful memory with Blaine was our move to Grand Lake and the introduction to my forever home and friends that became my family. Memories may fade but love is forever. Blaine loved going fast, may God's speed be beneath his wings.
Blaine was like no other. What a huge heart, and a smile that would make you grin forever. He had 'disabilities' that never kept him down and the ability to figure out how o do things that us with no disabilities could ever figure out. What a loss to all of us. What a sad day.
Nora, I am so very sad to find this. Please call me. Anita. 216 269-3225
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