No, those are not (tee pees)...those are stacks of pine beetle kill trees on the hill across from what was once 'Crescent Camp', Cassandra's Cabins' and now 'Timberline Cabins'...whatever! Change is inevitable, but this sucks! And on this cold and snowy day here at 8369', I feel like a dead tree! If only the pine beetle who has taken up residence in my ever-growing trunk (OK, I think I might have opened up the "Comment Center" with that one) would just talk back and make a little conversation....this day would not seem so grey.
The trunk. Reminds me of something I once heard. If you blow into the end of the trunk they never forget who you are. Oh wait, that's elephants.
...as if your trunk was still growing...Ha!! The pine beetle, if he could talk, is probably trying to flag down a search party.
Pine beetle taking up residence??
Is there something you need to tell us?
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