I found a door at a salvage yard in Denver and my friends Doug and Julie picked it up and brought it from 5280' to 8369' for me. It's silver but thanks to Randy's Auto Body in Granby, the silver door is on the red Focus and as Steinbeck would say...."Once again the world is spinning in greased grooves". Randy is Chuck Schmuck's nephew and I think he took special care to fit the silver door just right. Danny Schneller now says, when he sees me...."Hi Ho Silver Door...Away!!!"! I guess it's my turn in the 'barrel' until somebody else screws up! Larva says it is now Ohio State colors. Maybe I'll see if the salvage yard has a silver gas cap cover to match. Heck, who knows?, if the the little Focus hangs in another ten years, I might have a silver bullet!
Oh my..a talented painter as you are,
I am sure something will appear on the silver door...maybe rabbits?
If it was a wooden door we'd see a bread box by the end of the week!!
: )
Would you like me to send some buckeyes to hang from your mirror???
Michigan fans everywhere would say send buckeyes to hang...from the mirror.
Paint the door Corm. Paint a hydrant on it.
Don't paint the door .... remove the rest of the red paint and rename the Focus as a "DeLauren"
PS: Don't know what a DeLauren might be ask a Hatter
A DeLorean has a stainless steel design with gullwing doors. When you think about it, it's more like a Back To The Future Focus design. Perfect, for a Raider's fan. Paint the door.
I believe a painting of a fire hydrant on the "silver door" and installing a 'FLUX CAPACITOR' should do it!!!
additional add on for the focus s/b a back up beeper or a voice accuated ..... stupid stupid backed up my car .... and now I hear a crushing jar ....mac suess
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