I was talking with a friend today and we were conversing about cell phones and how two old guys like us finally 'bit the bullet' and now have one. Then I said something about payphones and how there don't seem to be any around much anymore. He said "I wonder if kids today even know what a phone booth is and where does Superman change into his costume to become the 'Man of Steel'? Well I'm happy to say that Grand Lake still has a phone booth in the Lariat and I believe there might still be one at Humphrey's. I will grab my camera and try to take photos of them and see if they even still work. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of..."Who's that guy taking his glasses and his clothes off next to his cell phone?"
MJ stuffed me into the Rope's phone booth the first time I hung out with her there-imagine that! I did not emerge from it with superpowers, just some minor contusions and a fear of Italians. but I'm glad that it's still there.
If the phone don't ring it's...Jimmy Buffett.
If you've seen Crazy Heart, you'll remember the phone booth out in the middle of frickin' nowhere. We thought that was odd, seeing as you can't hardly find one in the city, let alone one out on the lone prair-ree (as Barky would say).
Oh, it's for you!
Great Caesars salad. Is that a cell phone in your tights or are you just happy.
Very funny Harless!!! Maybe if you did not smell like a skunk I would not have kept you in there. OMG... that was also the night we had the wart ceremony and ventured into the cemetary. Italians were not the only thing you were afraid of that night!!! Thanks for bringing this memory back. I am still laughing!!!
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