I don't know how many people use their refrigerator door as collage of photos, news clippings, etc. Even the refrigerator magnets themselves can be from travels to football schedules to a singing frog. I've got a leaf from Tobago, a beer label from Panama and even a 'GO SLOW' bumper sticker from Belize. I think it all started in college. Steve and Jan Scott had their 'ice box' covered with pictures and postcards and I would spend time to check out their collection, after getting a beer from inside first, of course. Mine is mostly photos of friends, some of which are no longer with us but seeing them everyday there on the 'fridge' always makes me smile.
This might be a good chance for you bloggers to chime in and share some of what's on your refrigerator door. Maybe you have a collection of sorts also or just a dirty kitchen towel and the name of your appliance(so to speak). Leave a comment!
Mine’s really pretty mundane. The highlights are of course a picture of Nicole when she was in college, a refrig magnet featuring the statue that stands on the corner in Winslow Arizona, Magnets of RMNP, Yellowstone and the Tetons and one of those Post Office stamp collages of Great Plains Prairie flora and fauna. Oh I have a new addition - a coaster from a trendy little bistro called "The Spotted Pig" in NYC's west villiage that Nicole took me too last week when I was back east for her engagement party.
Pictures of grandkids, drawings from the gradkids, Santa Claus magnet, Disneyland magnet, a dog magnet with the instructional magnet message "if at first you don't succeed, have a gin and tonic", Julian Lennon magnet, The Sink in Boulder bumper sticker... all on a HotPoint refrigerator. There's more but it's under all this stuff and we don't want to move any of it.
Mostly invites to 50th and 60th birthday parties, mmm... cactus fridge mag, sheriff matt dillon fridge mag, licence plate # of the thugs who are currently theiving the neighborhood, colorado fridge mag, phone # for the vet and phone # for the plastic surgeon who is about to do my first face lift. Got to look good for those birthday parties! xox Muff
...fading for a cone...
What's the story behind the Abe's mag sticker & what's up with all the MJ smiley face sh*t ..... rlm
mine has pics of my first Race w/Jeanine,Cormus & MJ. a magnet of Salvadore Dali's eye - it follows you wherever you go, my son's interim report, and some questionable fingerprints. (and no dead animals inside)
Mine has various magnets most of which I remove from all of the phone books they leave on the porch. What's up with that? Don't we have enough dead trees with out killing more for phone books that nobody uses anymore? But I digress.The only useful magnets are the ones from the pizza delivery places and they hold up bills to be paid and reminders of future doctor appts. And of course the magnet that says "Go Broncos" and that one obviously hasn't been working lately.
Hey rlm!!! Your just jealous cause you're not on the fridge!!! Everyone knows what your smiles mean. We don't need to go there!!!
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