This happened the other day down by the Grand Lake Marina. I'm not sure what was going on there but obviously, the ice is too thin, even for a small backhoe. I remember the time years ago when town trustee, Don Faulk told Bernie to go down by the Yacht Club and clear off the snow for an ice skating rink. I think Bernie argued to no avail and the giant town front loader was soon through the ice. It took the other front loader and a maintainer to pull it out and Bernie got the nickname, "Drivin' and Divin' Darrell". The picture of that episode is still on the ceiling of the Lariat.
I also remember a story that Louie Heckert told me of a guy in a small plane who was having engine problems and spotted this nice open meadow where he could land his plane. After he landed, he soon discovered that the meadow was in actuality, Grand Lake and the plane began to sink in the snow and that layer of slush above the ice. Luckily for him the ice underneath was still thick enough to keep the plane from being a submarine and all ended well.
I, myself, have fallen through the ice down by the East Inlet while ice fishing. I managed to save the six pack of beer I was carrying and myself but it quickly ended my day of fishing!
I guess the moral to all of this is......check to see how thick the ice is or you might end up swimming!
Was that Joe Bevans diving??
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