I have a magical outhouse in my backyard. Open the door, peek inside and you can step into a time machine and go to a beach! It's an 'all inclusive' spot where everyone is included. I don't use it very often but I'm thinking about a get-a-way! It could be like James T. Kirk meets Captain Stubing!! And , of course "NO BAD DAYS"
What'd ya think....do you dare to step inside?
I'll get my waders and be right with you, I must really trust you!
Corm, let me get my speedo and I will be right there
Hey!!!!!!! That's my room!!!
What have you just done!????!
The stocking at Christmas?
The notes on the my door???? Moose visitors???
Sound familiar???
I guess I need a DO NOT DISTURB SIGN next. Naaaah...
How about a WELCOME mat at the entrance instead!!!
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
Hammer in a speedo, now that's a magical image. let me get my organ I mean keyboard and join you.
I think you need some time in Cabo
Gee, can we rent your outhouse next GL visit? It looks soOOOOOooo inviting!! LOL! Signed: Shelley's favorite Easter Bunny
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