This is not a poke at one of my all time heroes...John Prine. But I have noticed the similarities in our waistlines this century. When you are approaching 60, is it OK to expand musically as well as physically? I wonder if I'm just kidding myself by still wearing Hawaiian shirts(Jimmy Buffett style) or if I should just accept the fact that I am no longer the skinny rhythm guitar player who all the girls ran up to on breaks to ask .... "can you introduce me to the bass player?"(that would be Joe).
The last time I saw John Prine, he was wearing a black suit(like Johnny Cash) and seemed to be considerably larger than the last time I had seen him in concert. Of course, he sounded better than ever and seemed to be at peace and enjoying life! (me too!)
So maybe it's time to think about a change....either start doing a bunch of crunches and sit-ups or take the
easy road and wear a big black suit and
'get a real big guitar'!!!
To paraphrase what John almost said “it’s a half an enchilada and you think you’re gonna drown, that’s the way that your waist gets round”.
it will just become a viscious cycle.... big belly, big guitar then need bigger stage ....signed Portly Harmonica player
It's happening all over the music scene. Did you see the size Stevie Wonder has blossomed to on the Grammy Awards last night?! It's a "Wonder" that piano bench held him. He is TWO Aretha Franklins now. And that's a lot of Soul!
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