Tonight I got the vacuum out
To clean and sweep the floor
When I chanced upon a spider
Who was swept up near the door
And I wondered what she thought
As she was sucked up by the Bissel
Is this the end? ...or the beginning?
As she was launched up like a missile
To exist in that old vacuum bag
With the dust-mites and...who knows?
Hidden in the darkness
Wondering where her life will go
I hope she starts a family
In that paper vacuum bag
To raise her little "spiderlings"
In a world that's not too sad
I hope she doesn't hold a grudge
Or sound off an alarm
I only meant to clean my house tonight
I didn't mean to do her harm.
devils & dust
Corm, these are brilliant little poems. Are you writing them or are they from Where the Sidewalk Ends? I have written a story called Boris and the Strange New Thing. It's about the adventures of a spider as he gets sucked up into a vacuum cleaner!!
Cheers Roo
Oh, and that was a nice Easter card by the way!!LOL
This one is mine. I really was cleaning the house and as i was vacuuming, a spider got in the way.
Maybe you next book should be a poetry book!
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