Our good friend and brother, Jim Reeman, from Grand Lake is back in Iraq on another tour of duty with the Colorado Air National Guard. I'm not sure how many times this makes? but it's been a bundle. "Desert Storm", Bosnia, Afghanistan and this one, (probably three or four times now) I think. We all wish him and all the others well and know they will return safe and sound to 8369'. Jim is the one to blame for me doing this blog in the first place. He has his own blog (wisdom of the warrior-the fighter pilots view) and it's a good way to catch up on our Colorado pilots and learn how to do a push up or sit up. His blog is mostly on cross-fitness which doesn't exactly
workout for old fat guys like me but I do several sit ups everyday when I get out of bed to pee. Today I was wondering...who's going to do the "fly-over" on Memorial Day and the 'Forth of July' if those guys are over there and aren't here to do the show in the F-16's? Well I think I've got the answer.... Mac, myself and Alligator Al should do a "flyover" in a hot air balloon! What do you think Jimmy? Is there enough hot air to lift us up over Grand Lake and do the Alligator dance if 'Homewrecker and Dayton Dave supply the 'hot air'?
Be safe, my brother, and we'll party at he 'East Inlet' when you get back!!
We'll miss you in the Memorial Day Parade. Be safe you're in our prayers. Thanks for what you do.
Bill Cottrell
I hear the Aligator guy amd his bride are goimg to bless all of us during Buffalo B-B-Q week. A 'fly over' during that time???? Miss Linda can take pictures......
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