Well, it took some time, but the squirrels are now in Belize and collecting coconuts instead of pine cones! Today was an adventure in the weather department, but we somehow convinced Peggy Mann to play at the Waconda despite the clouds, wind, rain and occasional sunshine. Probably not a great idea but we got to listen to her wonderful music for a little while before the s*#t hit the fan.
I hope the weather is good in Orlando!!!
Thanks to DJ (best bartender in the known free world)!!!
She and I reminisced about years gone by .... (the "Pub"... Stevie Ray, Fetch, Stanski, etc.) but the weather here at 8369' is still pyscho.
OK, I know that school is out but the word "Physco" is spelled "Psycho. I like the looks of the way you spelled it better but psycho is psycho no matter how you look at it...and now that I am looking at it, I think I am the one going psycho.
Thanks Ms. Wiehaus...I will correct that!
~the weather WAS good in orlando, and the moon was extra amazing with the castle in the background and the pocket songs in hand; i'd like to meet up with those squirrels in belize sometime, maybe they'll add a little rum to those coconuts and quench the thirst of some weary pirates! ~
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