Tiger Woods has retired for the rest of 2008, so I guess there's room for one more on the PGA (prenuptial golfing Alices). I always get called Alice whenever I putt and for some reason I was wearing a wedding veil while playing golf, so I guess I qualify! I was always told that getting older has it's advantages but memory is certainly not one of them. I don't remember when this photo was taken or why I'm wearing a veil, or even what golf course this is.
But check out that form!! Left arm straight, knees bent, left knee in just a tad and head down on the ball...J.D. would be proud and probably a little jealous of my outfit ( look up Lady's Fly fishing in the blog archives). It's been too long since I hit the links and tore up the sod. The ISC golf tournament is coming up this weekend but I'll be at the Waconda playing my guitar instead of thrashing the likes of Dickey Stew and Bernie up at 'Beetle-Kill Hills'.
It won't be long, however, until I'm back at the track to take on my old nemesis, 'Four Putt Mac'!
He chickened out again and took off to Iowa to relive his glory days as a guitar player with 'December's Children'. Just remember Mac, if you lose your place, just stay on the 'one chord' 'til it comes back around. I'll see you all on the Golf Channel and always remember to swing hard, look up, three putt!
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