I met these three guys in the Lariat Saloon the other night and I just couldn't help but think I had met them somewhere before. The one in the middle was about my age and the other two "older guys" kept reminding me of some people from my past. I kept trying to place them, wondering if they were from my old school days in
Mayfield or maybe from some gig in Colorado Springs with one of the old bands when John Elway or Goose Gossage would get up on stage and try to sing! I guess my mind is just losing the battle with age (God knows my body has). Can anyone identify these suspects in the picture? I think the guy on the left has something suspicious in his pocket and looks like he might have had a couple of shots with "Leeper" and "Nine Toed Bob"! In retrospect, they were probably just some friends up to do some fun in the snow or ice fishing here in good old GL or maybe we all played in a band somewhere?
Oh well, just put me back in the ward until June.
Living at the 'beav' tells all. Eddie Haskel, The Beav, and good 'ol Wally. Only at the Lariat Saloon. They must have been visiting Tool Time Tim.
As June always saiys, "Ward, go easy on the Beaver!"
The Lariat, really?!
That's not the Lariat!!! Good try though. It was almost convincing until you looked at the Wall hanging in the background. If it's not a horse's ass or a head of bull...it's not the Lariat!!!!
Who cares where the picture was taken. Cormey is old enough if he knows these guys to forget where his camera is!! Point being, it is comical, not political or depressing. Point made. (Sorry I blew up!)
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