I'm sure many of you have had the pleasure of listening to the music of Peggy Mann. I believe I first heard her with her ex-husband, Craig Mann at the Grand Lake Lodge. Well, needless to say, they just blew me away. I would always make a point to go and listen to them whenever they were in town.
Luckily for me and everyone else, Peggy and her wonderful husband Ken fell in love with Grand Lake and bought a little piece of property here.They came up a lot on weekends from Denver and I soon got to know them as friends. Peggy would sometimes sit in for a song or two at the Lariat or Pancho & Lefty's and pretty soon all of Grand Lake fell in love with her music and great spirit. Many of us have ventured over the hill to the "Big Smoke' of Denver to see her CD release concerts at the Soiled Dove.
Her generosity in using her talent to help out whenever possible is inspiring. I asked her if she would join me for a concert in the community house to help raise money for a scholarship fund for Middle Park High School students with medical aspirations in Dorothy "Nursie" Young's name. Of course she said yes and we were able to raise enough money to get the scholarship off the ground.
Now, she and Ken have built a house here and moved to Grand Lake permanently. She's still using her incredible talent to help our little community with events such as Fallfest, the Old Fashioned Christmas concert and the Race for the Cure. Peggy is singing the lead vocal on my song Ribbons of Hope, which was inspired by the 'Race' and might even be used by the Susan G, Komen foundation (with any luck).
You can see and hear her on Grand County Dave's site (which you can click on to here on the sidebar) buy one or more of her CD's at Pancho's or the Lariat, or see her in person this summer at the Gateway, Waconda or a concert or two. So thanks again to my friend Peggy Mann, the 'Queen of Grand Lake'!
Peggy Mann is the best!!! Listening to her at the Waconda with the alpen glow over Baldy is the best place to be in the summer!!! Wonderful story Corm, thanks for sharing!!!
I'm sorry, I meant The Gateway!!! Anywhere you hear Peggy is great!!!
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