This Winter's been colder than a welldigger's ___, colder than a witch's ___, it's been COLD! I guess it's time to blow this pop stand and find a warm beach somewhere.(sounds like a song, doesn't it?)
Speaking of 'Somewhere with a Beach', Ronnie Roo has resurected the old gal from the CD cover and has entered her in a T-Shirt contest (not a wet T-Shirt contest I hope). You can check it out and leave a comment to vote for it at... http://shirt.woot.com/Derby/Entry.aspx?id=10904 or her web -www.northernfront.net/RonnieRoo/artwall9.htm
You should also check out her blog at http://roodroppings.blogspot.com
Well, like my friend Ben (pictured here), I was also born under a wandering star and will be seeking out that place in the sun soon. I might try to keep the blog going while I'm gone, but if not, I'll start it up again when and if I return. In the meantime...keep those cards and letters coming!
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