'Washboard Annie's got nothing on my brother, 'Real Elderly'! It's not a well known fact, but he and Chuck Schmuck were called upon by President Regan to "clean up the music business". So with Chuck on the washtub bass and Real on the washboard, they toured the country scouring all the well known Honky Tonks and Dive's until they happened upon the one and only Lariat Saloon.
It was there that I first hooked up with the 'Mr. Cleans' of percussion and formed the core of one of music's legendary bands, 'The Elderly Brothers'. After a while, Real took to playing the harmonica and was replaced on washboard by Alligator Al. This lasted until Barky Lew gave Al's washboard the 'Federal Buoyancy Test' in Grand Lake one night and therefore ended the washboard phase of our musical progression.
Real still makes it up to sit in on harmonica now and then and was on hand last Saturday night for 'Jimmy Buffett Night'. Though a series of conga players, guitar players, keyboard and tambourine and even the dreaded 'Egg Shakers' have come and gone, my brother is still with me keeping the crowd going. His secret harmonica cleaning solution of Canadian Club and water keeps both he and the harmonica in 'TUNE'. Thanks brother, and hopefully we have a few more 'road trips' still left in us!
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