Man how they grow up! Remember when Otis was just a pup? Well he's almost grown now and I'm not sure, but maybe he should be holding Bob up now. OK, there's probably been times he's had to hold Bob up and maybe even drive home. I think Otis is part Malamute, Shepard, Retriever and Wolf. Alright, he's a Heinz 57.
Bob Nichols aka. Chocolate Bob, Nine Toed Bob, and other names I
probably shouldn't mention here, is the manager of the Lariat Saloon and Otis' faithful companion. Otis found Bob a couple years ago and they've been best friends ever since.
So next tme you're in "The Rope", say hi to the dynamic duo and maybe buy 'em a drink. (Otis likes Baileys and water)
1 comment:
Hey no entries for a few days! You slackin' off or what! LOL!
Love reading these.
Hey corm,I got a message on my blog from Nora and I'm assuming it's the GL Nora from long ago(Blaine and Nora Nora)I couldn't get her email from the link she gave me. Do you have it?
Cheers and Beers for now. Ronnie Roo.
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